May 2021
New Building
Many years ago, we were looking for the owner of this piece of land next to our Learning Center but were told that he cannot be contacted because he had migrated to the USA.
13 Nov 2017 a visit from a Mission Trip team prayed and claimed it for OHH. The following year, we were informed that the owner had returned to the Philippines and was planning to build a 4 terrace home. The buyers paid a deposit but could not complete the purchase.
In 2019, OHH managed to buy it. Ground breaking was dedicated to the plot of land dedicated to increase the number of children to be given quality education irrespective of their financial standing in society.
Construction commenced in Sep 2019. It would take about a year or 2 to complete it.
Construction was completed in March 2021. The Lord has been faithful.
We serve as a sanctuary to the community, protecting and being a refuge during the last typhoon with maximum winds up to 220km/hour coz many homes were flooded. The victims rested, were given dry clothes to change into, and served hot lunch.
Lockdown was extended in the Philippines for many months to control COVID-19 but the outcome is many jobs were lost and food on the table is affected. But we are extra grateful to the like-minded kind donors who continued providing groceries, Gardenia and clothes to the precious slum dwellers for these many months of lockdown.
Looks like in abundance but when you consider the more than 600 families being helped, this is just a drop in the ocean!
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