September 2022

Elementary EduFund Vacation Bible School

Our first Elementary EduFund Vacation Bible School (EEF-VBS), with the title ‘Building Character Foundation’, focused on the topics of Obedience, Discipline, Respect, Self-Control, Perseverance and Salvation.

With the theme verse from Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it”

  Combined Youth Fellowship

Agape Youth Las Piñas and Edufund Scholars are now enjoying combined Fellowship

  Combined Youth VBS

Our First Combined Youth Vacation Bible School (Youth VBS)

Agape Youth from 4 areas, Tondo, Las Piñas, Pulo, and Bulacan, came together for the first combined Youth VBS.

With the theme verse from John 15:5 “I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.”


The common problem in most children and young adults living in underprivileged communities, are they often lack of the resources to attend school. Most families are unable to provide the transportation and uniforms required; even public schools are free, most children never get the education they need to escape the crowded, filthy slums of Manila in the Philippines.

Oikos Helping Hand Learning Center, a subsidiary of Oikos Helping Hand Inc., aims to contribute to the community in effectively addressing poverty alleviation through the Scholarship Program “Libreng Pag-aaral”, Free Scholarship Program, among poor households.

This program aims to get these graduates a head start in their future endeavours hopefully employed in order to lift their families up and out of poverty and contribute to community development. And this will not be possible without the help and support of our dear Sponsors.

We are so grateful to God  for the kind sponsorship of John Roed, this brilliant guy!

He took his final exams for his Criminologist Licensure Examination. Out of 41,913 examinees, John Roed was placed 4th in the whole of Philippines!  Hallelujah!

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