September 2020
Missing Mass Gatherings
Education Scholarship
Testimonies of the Scholar’s Family
Here, we cover our Learning Center (LC) Scholars’ family on the current situation since the Community Quarantine was imposed. To understand the needs and supplication of each scholar, we encourage them to see their current situation, the government’s help and to appreciate sponsorship, with that they will acknowledge God in their lives, to put their trust in God alone.
Current Situation:
“Trying to overcome the crisis. We hope that there will be enough assistance from the government like medicine, milk, food and self-sanitation. We always maintain cleanliness in our family like washing hand, and disinfecting our house.
Sometimes we feel worried and scared but I know that God will never leave us. Then as family we pray together and we watch the Church Livestream to receive Word from the Lord.”
Current Situation:
“Thankful because at that time we had no money because of no work, yet God supplied our needs.
Through God’s mercy and wisdom, we still have a little money but it is running out. We avoid going out but instead we watch some preaching videos to strengthen our spiritual selves.
We’re hoping that everything goes well. We trust God and the government.”
Current Situation:
“My situation now is my husband is unemployed but I have a work as a street sweeper. But still the salary I received is not enough to meet my family’s daily need, my salary is too low. The effect of COVID-19 is very severe but I am not afraid because I know God will provide for our needs, and I know that He will continue to protect me and my family. And we as a family continue to watch Church Livestream to keep our spiritual life strong.”
Current Situation:
“It is very difficult for almost all families today to face the difficult situation caused by the ncov19 pandemic. We have 4 children, and we need to provide the food daily. But still thankful to God for His provision. There are also good hearts that give help to them like rice and canned goods.”
Concerns, and Needs:
“Slow government subsidies. But we still thank them for the relief goods they gave us but 2 weeks ago they did not follow the 5kg rice 5 canned goods, these is not enough for my 6 family members for their two weeks. No source of income. Although this virus is dangerous but it would be hard to depend on our government for our daily needs.
We thank God for those people who have reached out to us despite the crisis faced by our country. Still I can see the commitment in helping each other, and our children who gives us courage as couples to deal and face this pandemic crisis. Jesus proves His greatness even though my husband has no work He never fail to provide our food and that He has even strengthened our faith in Him.”
Current Situation:
“I’m anxious of our situation, although we have remaining money that we got from 4P’S but it is running out.”
How they are coping with this pandemic crisis, physically, emotionally and spiritually:
“How we cope up this pandemic, in terms of physical through eating nutritious food that will boost our immune system, we wear mask every time we go out, and we follow the rules. In terms of emotional, I can also feel fear, even though we are not sick, but I can’t deny to think about our needs, food and financial needs. Other thing is, what if my neighbor got sick because of COVID, I am afraid it will spread. And worry thinking until when this pandemic will end. In terms of spiritual, this is where I get strength, courage, and faith. I always believe that God is my strong tower, my firm foundation. I always pray to God that He will heal our country and free us from the virus. I know that only God is the answer to this pandemic. He is the one who only knows until when this will end? One thing is for sure, no matter what happens, we need to stand before the Lord, knowing that He is our Lord today, now and forever.”
Current Situation:
“Very Hard, but trying to overcome the crisis.”
How they are coping with this pandemic crisis, physically, emotionally and spiritually:
“I encourage my children to eat vegetables to have a healthy body. But I can’t deny that this crisis that we are facing is so hard, you always think of your food for every day. Because even there are relief goods, yet it is not enough unlike before when my husband has work, we can eat properly.
Hoping that this crisis will end. We keep on praying to God to save us.”
Current Situation:
“Very difficult, my husband has no work, in this time of crisis, we need to budget our money, so that we can eat 3 times a day, even just cooked sardines with vegetables.”
How they are coping with this pandemic crisis, physically, emotionally and spiritually:
“I pray to God to give me strength to face and overcome this time of crisis. Honestly, we don’t have money anymore, and we don’t know where to get resources to sustain us, really very difficult. There’s no one you can depend on, but only God.”
OHHLC Preparation For Opening of Classes

We scheduled parents to come by batches following required safety measures. To avoid transmission of the virus, we created a Google Form which they can fill up online using their handphone or any availability of devices, those who are able to register online, they can do it at home; those who do not have devices, the Teachers assisted them.
Summary of Students List for Oikos Helping Hand Learning Center
Boys | 5 | 3 | 8 |
Girls | 8 | 3 | 11 |
Total | 13 | 6 | 19 |
Boys | 10 | 2 | 12 |
Girls | 12 | 0 | 12 |
Total | 22 | 2 | 24 |
Both parents were asked to come to the Learning Center, we interviewed and encouraged them about the Scholarship Program. What is good about this is that both parents especially the father feel the sense of responsibility and that with Oikos Helping Hand’s support they see the needs and appreciate the provision of the Sponsors and above all, God’s provisions. After signing the first Php3000 allowance was hand over to the fathers, this gives them a sense of respect as a father-figure and that this scholarship needs their support as well and not the mother alone. We were so glad that through this Scholarship it gives way to acknowledge God in their lives.
HOME-BASED-LEARNING / ONLINE CLASSES for the School Year 2020-2021
Teachers and Parents support DepEd Distance-Learning platform. Our Center is prepared for Self-Learning Modules in this education’s new normal. The integration of Self-Learning Modules with the alternative learning delivery modalities (modular, television-based, radio- based instruction, blended, and online) will help DepEd ensure that all learners have access to Quality Basic Education for SY 2020-2021 with face-to-face classes still prohibited due to the public health situation.
Our Center provide Learning Continuity Plan with a “Modular Distance Learning/Blended Learning”, which involves individualized instruction that allows learners to use Self-Learning Modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in the context of the learner, and other learning resources like Learner’s Materials, textbooks, activity sheets, study guides and other study materials. Learners access electronic copies of learning materials on a computer, tablet PC, or smartphone. CDs, DVDs, USB storage and computer-based applications can all be used to deliver e-learning materials, including offline e-books. The teacher takes the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners.
The learners may ask for assistance from the teacher via e-mail, telephone, text message/instant messaging, etc. Where possible, the teacher shall conduct home visits with learners needing remediation or assistance. Any member of the family or other stakeholder in the community needs to serve as para-teachers for the children.
We also modify our classroom setup even though face-to-face classes are still prohibited; this is one of the protocols by the Department of Education (DepEd) to ensure the readiness of the school.
The guidelines on the risk-based public health standards for COVID-19 mitigation given by the Department of Education and its protocols, were complied with the provision of the given checklist, including provision of safety measures posters, alcohol/hand sanitizer (pump) in all rooms, entrances, corridors, communal areas, eating areas, foot-paths in all entrances (all rooms, laboratories, canteens) (1 part bleach 10 parts of water), etc.
Nursery Materials (K1)
Preparatory Materials (K2)
These are the materials to be given for each scholar to be taken by the parents and to be used at home. Since we have Modular Distance Learning/Blended Learning, we come out with the idea of having packed materials including their Learning Materials and the Activity Sheets.
The COVID-19 created a difficult situation for all, especially the poorest of the poor, not only in terms of the possibilities to get infected, but also due to school starting soon, even though we have this Modular Distance Learning/Blended Learning, parents/scholars are still lacking the devices and the internet connection, thus provision is needed for the continuity of the children’s learning at home. Some parents cannot afford to get a device since they don’t even have money for food, as they are unable to work, and no work no pay.
Thank you all for the support and unending love for the Filipino people despite this pandemic situation.
May the Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you and keep you safe.