September 2019
CECILIA LUBINA aged 64 is our faithful leader in Agape Precious which comprises of widows and widowers.

Last May when summer in the Philippines was at its peak, she suffered heat stroke that left her paralyzed on her left side. Thank God just after a few weeks, she managed to walk and join our activities even outing to a museum.
Vacation Bible School

Agape Youth were blessed this year with a 4-Day Vacation Bible School at beautiful Agapeland.
The moving of God’s spirit amongst them to heal their broken hearts caused by hurtful words could be felt so strongly throughout the 4 days.
This year, more time was dedicated for them to spent alone with GOD because truly, only GOD can meet their needs!
HUGGING is good for the SOUL.

Bonfire & Arts and Crafts Activity
As the youth stepped on the field, the presence of God filled the place, so peaceful! There was no talking! There was no noise except the sounds from the Bonfire.

The message of the Lord came from Exodus 3: 1-12.
The Lord chosen each of them to be the Moses that He will use to save His people. The Lord heard the cry and seen the misery of His people.
Then the youth began to cry and when the message continued to be preached. They cried all the more, not the normal cry of a youth but their spirits were weeping for their generation and for their families against the oppression of the evil one.
The following day, they relaxed with Art and Craft activity to stimulate their creative minds.

Thank you, Sponsors, for a wonderful VBS Camp 2019 that brought breakthrough and joy to these youth who live in the slums.