May 2022


We yearn for genuine connection and reconnection. Oikos has decided to reinstate the in-person fellowship while strictly observing safety protocols. It’s a passion to honor and adore the King, a want to share our faith, and hunger for genuine, face-to-face encouragement. We’ll make it through together.

Face to Face Fellowship

Loningning – mother of James and Noah Botor

This month of fellowship, our topic is “Gratitude.”
This mother was so emotional in sharing her testimonial of her gratefulness with her family.

This mother collects scrap and recycled materials and sells them to the junk shop to sustain her daily needs; the pandemic stressed her financially because of her limited income. Here came sponsors providing 16kg of rice monthly, she was so happy that she could also share with her old mother, and she became emotional as she said, “ I thought we would not survive because of the pandemic,”; but God’s provision is amazing, even my mother is so amazed that every time I visit her I have something to share with her” she added. Thankfully, my children became scholars in Oikos Helping Hand, and I knew Jesus Christ, who is my provider. They (leaders and teachers in Oikos) helped know Him and have faith in Jesus.

Now, I am enjoying God’s blessings in my life and in my family. Praise the Lord.

This month of fellowship, our topic is “Gratitude.”
This mother was so emotional in sharing her testimonial of her gratefulness with her family.

This mother collects scrap and recycled materials and sells them to the junk shop to sustain her daily needs; the pandemic stressed her financially because of her limited income. Here came sponsors providing 16kg of rice monthly, she was so happy that she could also share with her old mother, and she became emotional as she said, “ I thought we would not survive because of the pandemic,”; but God’s provision is amazing, even my mother is so amazed that every time I visit her I have something to share with her” she added. Thankfully, my children became scholars in Oikos Helping Hand, and I knew Jesus Christ, who is my provider. They (leaders and teachers in Oikos) helped know Him and have faith in Jesus.

Now, I am enjoying God’s blessings in my life and in my family. Praise the Lord.

Erlyn Labiao, mother of Ehramar Bumagat

Last year it was difficult for them because her husband doesn’t have a job, so where to get money for their daily needs.

Sometimes they borrow from the neighbors to have some food on their table. It’s not easy because you’re thinking about where and when to pay your debts.

She encouraged her children and husband to pray and trust the Lord during those times. And a good thing that has happened is that the Lord is faithful to meet their needs a few months after God gives work to her husband.

From time to time, it lessens her worry and burden. That’s why she always considers in her prayer her family and children.

Last year it was difficult for them because her husband doesn’t have a job, so where to get money for their daily needs.

Sometimes they borrow from the neighbors to have some food on their table. It’s not easy because you’re thinking about where and when to pay your debts.

She encouraged her children and husband to pray and trust the Lord during those times. And a good thing that has happened is that the Lord is faithful to meet their needs a few months after God gives work to her husband.

From time to time, it lessens her worry and burden. That’s why she always considers in her prayer her family and children.

2nd Batch Ukay-ukay for completers

Clothing, shades, backpacks, and toys were given to anyone who fulfilled the church attendance, fellowship, and tasks. Extra clothing and an umbrella were given to the Father, who regularly attends church services.

According to the parents’ reply, they are all grateful and find those things helpful. They will be reminded to please God in whatever they do regularly.


We’re glad to have this group of people willing to spend their time dealing with those questions about religious cults and superstitious beliefs. For the topic of Resilience, we learned about the five types of resilience and how we can be more to grow and overcome

We’re glad to have this group of people willing to spend their time dealing with those questions about religious cults and superstitious beliefs. For the topic of Resilience, we learned about the five types of resilience and how we can be more to grow and overcome

Leaders Training and Testimonies:

Training is essential for all leaders, primarily because it can assist them in dealing with the problems and situations their clients face. Leaders gained a lot from all of the training they attended, and they applied what they learned to their own lives and those who needed particular care and counseling. 

Training is essential for all leaders, primarily because it can assist them in dealing with the problems and situations their clients face. Leaders gained a lot from all of the training they attended, and they applied what they learned to their own lives and those who needed particular care and counseling. 

  Nanay Mercy Francisco


Through Leader’s training, I learned a lot which helped me to where I am now. I also shared my learning with my group mates, which helped us boost our spiritual, moral, and social aspects. It also trained me to deepen my knowledge and faith in God.

I am allowing God to use me in serving God and others as a church worker. As I never expected it to happen in me or my imagination…but for me, Oikos and our Lord God bring me here for a purpose, so I will do my best to serve God and others, especially the young ones!


Through Leader’s training, I learned a lot which helped me to where I am now. I also shared my learning with my group mates, which helped us boost our spiritual, moral, and social aspects. It also trained me to deepen my knowledge and faith in God.

I am allowing God to use me in serving God and others as a church worker. As I never expected it to happen in me or my imagination…but for me, Oikos and our Lord God bring me here for a purpose, so I will do my best to serve God and others, especially the young ones!

  Nanay Ellen Pedragoza

I learned a lot in every seminar or training we studied, especially in my current situation. I was at the mental hospital earlier while the doctor was talking to me about my life and situation, all the doctor’s questions I heard in our training, and all the situation that is painful and hard to accept in my life because I’m a battered wife. But I am very thankful; although I’m facing this situation that is a bit difficult, I know that I have a big God that is bigger than my situation and problems. I know that God gives me this situation in my life that I can handle and win.

Even though my situation right now is hard to accept and face, with the help of our Lord God and the loving people around me, everything became smooth, and it will be my motivation to go through and continue my life. I am grateful because the word of God is rooted in me, and for the people that God uses to continue to share the knowledge with us, thank you.

 I learned a lot in every seminar or training we studied, especially in my current situation. I was at the mental hospital earlier while the doctor was talking to me about my life and situation, all the doctor’s questions I heard in our training, and all the situation that is painful and hard to accept in my life because I’m a battered wife.But I am very thankful; although I’m facing this situation that is a bit difficult, I know that I have a big God that is bigger than my situation and problems. I know that God gives me this situation in my life that I can handle and win. Even though my situation right now is hard to accept and face, with the help of our Lord God and the loving people around me, everything became smooth, and it will be my motivation to go through and continue my life. I am grateful because the word of God is rooted in me, and for the people that God uses to continue to share the knowledge with us, thank you.

Final Set-up and Church Opening Face to face

The church also wants to maintain the cleanliness of God’s place and take care of His things. After Sunday service, it is the time for all the workers to give feedback about the service, suggestions for improvements, and give back all the glory and honor to God.

“Teaching and Learning Continuity Amidst and Beyond Pandemic”


Free play promotes social development and provides an opportunity for children to feel emotionally and physically comfortable. Play may be a powerful, effective, and easy lever to pull to help kids feel safer; it makes the school feel like an enjoyable, accepting, and inclusive place. This pandemic had no effect on the children’s ability to learn.

  One-on-One meeting with Parents

Parents have become instructors’ partners in the new manner of learning. If a youngster just had a one-hour online class, they would be unable to learn. Having follow-up lessons at home would assist the child in remembering the information. We learned about various issues, problems, and improvements from their children during online and offline sessions.

Jovy H. Bracero Jr.

Jovy has difficulty speaking, but it didn’t stop him from learning and improving academically.He was shy to say in the first and second quarters because he thought I could not understand him, he rarely speaks, but when I am asking him, he answers. He is not expressive, but during the assessment, he replies confidently. Thanks to his father, who eagerly guides his son, they follow up lessons and let the child do his activities. His father guides him with the lessons because his mother has a problem with speaking. As a result, he received honors last quarter; I always encourage the child and even the parents to let him practice his communication skills.

Jovy has difficulty speaking, but it didn’t stop him from learning and improving academically.He was shy to say in the first and second quarters because he thought I could not understand him, he rarely speaks, but when I am asking him, he answers. He is not expressive, but during the assessment, he replies confidently. Thanks to his father, who eagerly guides his son, they follow up lessons and let the child do his activities. His father guides him with the lessons because his mother has a problem with speaking. As a result, he received honors last quarter; I always encourage the child and even the parents to let him practice his communication skills.

In the third quarter, we taught them about plant types, parts, and cycles. It makes them more intriguing because we planted mongo seeds, which teaches kids to appreciate God’s creations. We send them stories to read at home during offline class, which will help them improve their understanding. We encourage parents to record their children reading. Thank you, God, for your wisdom, knowledge, and love.

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